Welcome to Kingdom Insight Church!

Our Story

Two decades ago, God issued a call within the heart of Pastor Evans—to lead a church ministry. Being a single young man, Pastor Evans was uncertain as to when this call would come into fruition. However, on June 4, 2017, twenty years later that call would be birthed and named Kingdom Insight Church (KIC). KIC’s first service began within the living room of Pastor Evans and his wife, Elder Christina. That first service began with over 30 people within that living room made up of family, friends and visitors. From that first service, a few made KIC their new home, who would become the pillars of the church. Therefore, the church began with seven adults and five children.  Since those humble beginnings, KIC has moved from the living room to a hotel. We currently are about 30 members, and still growing. KIC is a church family that possesses insight into the Kingdom of Heaven to advance God’s kingdom in the earth. Therefore, Pastor Evans and the leadership of KIC teach the Word line upon line and precept upon precept, so that everyone can understand and walk in God’s insight.

Our Ministries


Kingdom Insight Church is family friendly. Pastor Evans and Elder Christina have two beautiful daughters and understand how important it is to raise children who grow up loving Christ. They take time to speak with the children and pray for them. They also support and encourage parents – partnering with them in prayer over the concerns of the families. KIC has experienced tremendous growth and has formally launched its children’s church in 2019 with plans to start a teen youth group in the future designed for their unique spiritual growth and worship expression.


The worship experience at Kingdom Insight Church is powerful and led by the Holy Spirit. There is a freedom in worship expressed through song, dance and flags. There is no pretense – just His enveloping presence. Congregants actively participate in worship understanding glorifying God prepares the atmosphere and the hearts of the people to receive the Word. It is not uncommon for Holy Spirit to “flip the script” and lead worshippers in another direction which only deepens the experience and ushers transformation.


Kingdom Insight Church is family friendly. Pastor Evans and Elder Christina have two beautiful daughters and understand how important it is to raise children who grow up loving Christ. They take time to speak with the children and pray for them. They also support and encourage parents – partnering with them in prayer over the concerns of the families. KIC has experienced tremendous growth and is looking forward to formally launching a children’s church and teen youth group in 2019 designed for their unique spiritual growth and worship expression.

The worship experience at Kingdom Insight Church is powerful and led by the Holy Spirit. There is a freedom in worship expressed through song, dance and flags. There is no pretense – just His enveloping presence. Congregants actively participate in worship understanding glorifying God prepares the atmosphere and the hearts of the people to receive the Word. It is not uncommon for Holy Spirit to “flip the script” and lead worshippers in another direction which only deepens the experience and ushers transformation.


“Pure worship, the presence of God, family friendly environment, a Bible-based word that is more teaching than preaching, some structure to the flow of service but not a lot to allow freedom for the Spirit to move; great place to grow spiritually.”

– J.J.

“When I visited KIC I felt welcomed. I was greeted by smiles and friendly people. The authentic worship drew me into God’s presence and the sermon was practical, engaging and insightful (hence the church’s name)! The fellowship after church was warm and genuine. I left refreshed, feeling loved, and challenged to engage the Lord on a deeper level.”

– J.D.

Meet Our Pastors

Pastor Evans Pierre
Senior Pastor

Pastor Evans Pierre is a graduate of Nyack College, with a concentration in Pastoral Care and Biblical Studies, and is presently pursuing his MDiv Degree from Regent University. He is the senior pastor of Kingdom Insight Church.


The Bible teaches that the ministry gifts are to equip the saints for the work of ministry. Pastor Evans believes that he is called to minister the Word of God with clarity and practicality so that the body of Christ can be equipped for effective ministry. He is passionate about this and seeks to impart knowledge and wisdom everywhere he has opportunity to minister.


Pastor Evans is also passionate about reaching the lost and training the Church to effectively reach the lost through personal evangelism and community outreach. We are called to have a strong and permanent impact that has lasting and eternal results.


Early on in his Christian walk, he labored among the youth of his former church in Roselle, New Jersey. He experienced success in seeking young people to come to know Christ in a personal and dynamic way. This was the avenue that God would utilize to begin grooming this young man into a vessel that would carry the gospel of Jesus Christ to the nations through the doors of churches, onto neighborhood streets, and into prison.


Pastor Evans is the husband of Christina and father of Janisa and Janelle.

Christina Pierre
First Lady/ Elder

Christina Pierre is an elder on staff at KIC. She also serves as Vice President and Treasurer on the Board of KIC. Christina is a graduate of Pennsylvania State University, with a degree in Criminal Justice. She is a minister of prophetic liturgical dance, a teacher of the Word of God, and a mentor to young women regarding virtue as noted in 1 Peter 3:1-4.  With a passion for events, Christina also heads the Conference/Event Planning division of KIC. Christina is the devoted wife of Evans Pierre, and doting mother of Janisa and Janelle.

Marcia Howard

Marcia Howard is an Elder on staff, and she is the Secretary on the Board of KIC. Marcia is a graduate of Seton Hall University, BA America Politics: Urban Studies. She has been a teacher in the Newark Public Schools System for 27 years. She earned a Certificate of Biblical Studies from Pnuema Life School of Ministries and she is a teacher of the Word of God. Marcia is wife to Ronald Howard for 28 years. They have 4 children and 5 grandchildren.

Cheryl Berfet

Cheryl Berfet was ordained to the office of a Deacon authorized to perform the full sacramental duties of a Deacon, in accordance with the Holy Bible, church polices and bylaws. She currently serves as leader over the Communion table and Greeters Ministry in Kingdom Insight Church. Cheryl Berfet is a member of Addereth Ministries Intercessary Prayer Band, and a team member of KIC’s Outreach Ministry. In the past year, she has ministered to women incarcerated in prison. Cheryl received a Bachelor of Arts degree from Kean University, 1979. Cheryl Berfet owns a business called Delightfully Baked, and she is a Community Care Residential Provider for the State of NJ. Cheryl has two granddaughters, a daughter and son-in-law in Piscataway, NJ.

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